Dubai University students attend KFI GLOBAL program
Dubai, UAE: Students at Middlesex University attended a two day financial education program conducted by KFI GLOBAL. The program was extremely well received by the students who found it extremely enlightening and interesting.
This program was delivered in partnership with Dubai Islamic Bank who are committed to educating the nation’s youth on this critical skill.
Dr Ahmed Al Falasi, Professor of Financial Management at Dubai University said: “We greatly appreciate this opportunity afforded to our students. Ms Marilyn has done a great job and we are very thankful to Dubai Islamic Bank and to KFI GLOBAL for this wonderful session.”
Marilyn Pinto, Founder of KFI GLOBAL said: “Showing students how to think about and better manage their finances is a key skill that they can benefit hugely from. This skill will affect every aspect of their lives from choosing a job, taking on debt, how they use credit cards etc. It’s imperative that they learn the best ways to manage their finances so that they can set themselves up for a financially secure future.